Sudoku for your Website


Download Button Download

This HTML5 and JavaScript game enables several setting options. It's a modified version of the SudokuJS software created by Jonas Ohlsson. You can either generate a simple Sudoku game or you can use the features such as the Sudoku solver, the degree of difficulty buttons or the candidates toggle.

You can put this Sudoku game on your own website for free. Download the game source files or copy the following HTML code.

Sudoku HTML Code

The IFrame version consists of a simple Sudoku game only without additional features.

IFrame Code

Why is the HTML code not working on my WordPress page?

The Sudoku game needs HTML and CSS code as well as JavaScript code to work properly. Unfortunately JavaScript is only supported in the business version of with installed plugins. Customers with free and premium plans cannot use JavaScript. The same applies to <iframe> tags. Some other free website builders also cause problems when executing CSS and JavaScript code.